The Problem of Great Expectations
Every time I start on a journey to improve my health I have great expectations. I imagine how much weight I'm going to lose, and more significantly, how quickly I'm going to lose it. These great expectations are exciting and motivating as long as I'm making great progress. When the inevitable setbacks occur then these great expectations backfire. So what is a person to do?
It is hard to be motivated to start on a journey of weight loss without having great expectations, but if they are going to sabotage success then a different approach needs to be taken. The focus needs to change from great expectations of outcomes an to a focus on process. What am I doing on a daily basis to lose weight? Results follow action, so I need to ask what actions am I doing to bring about the results?
Changing focus is liberating, and it shouldn't be painful, but that doesn't mean that it is easy. Just like old habits are hard to break, so to is changing focus. You have to continually remind yourself to take your eyes off of the huge outcome you want and to think about the activities you are doing on a daily, or moment by moment basis to bring about results. Just like developing any habit, the more you do it the more natural it will be and the more it will happen. Write reminders to
Key Value Proposition
Stop focussing on the huge improvements you want to make and focus instead on the daily habits and the processes that bring about the results you want to see.