Don't be surprised if you don't find the community that is exactly what you are looking for. If you have searched through the existing communities and haven't found the right fit yet then you are in the right place, my friend. Be a leader, or a starter, and create the health community that you want to be part of. You can start a community and be the leader, or you can simply start a community and ask others to lead it or be an administrator of it. Either way, more communities are needed, both virtual communities but especially in-person communities.
1. Sign Up For A Free Membership
Our membership is FREE!
2. Submit a Community Based on Affinity or Location
Once you're a member, you can submit a CommuniThrive community. Our team will reach out to you with any questions or welcome you into the community.
4. Promote and Share Your Community
Once approved, your community will be listed on our official groups map and you can start inviting friends online and in person to join you here on the CommuniThrive website. If your group is public, people in your area will be able to find you and join as well.
5. Maintain Your Community on the CommuniThrive Free Website
Once your community is live, you'll be able to post stories, host discussions, schedule events, and message your community members - all through this membership site.
Medical Disclaimer: this website does not constitute providing medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition or before engaging in physical activity of lifestyle change. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on CommuniThrive's website.